Hi, I'm Paul

I'm a software geek, photographer, yogi and dog lover

Crash tonight on Glencoe Road

1 minutes
April 15, 2006
Friday nights weather has taken it's toll on the roads in Hillsboro, with this head on crash on [Glencoe Road](http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=NW+Glencoe+Rd+%26+NE+shannon+St,+Hillsboro,+OR+97124&ll=45.5383,-122.99576&spn=0.005088,0.014849&t=h) about an hour ago. No fatalities, but four people were injured. The Life-Flight ferried one occupant from Glencoe High school to hospital and another was carried by ambulance. The other two occupants were treated on the scene. [![Glencoe Road Crash](/u/2007/03/10/crash_thumbnail.jpg) ](/u/2007/03/10/crash.jpg)