Hi, I'm Paul

I'm a software geek, photographer, yogi and dog lover

Founders Day at Champoeg

1 minutes
May 7, 2007
Oregon celebrated "Founders' Day" this weekend to mark the anniversary of the day in 1843 when settlers in the Willamette Valley at town of Champoeg voted to create the first independent western style democratic government. Included at the celebration at the state park was a draft horse plowing competition and a scavanger hunt. [![Plowing Contest](/u/2007/05/20070505_113437_small.jpg) ](/u/2007/05/20070505_113437_large.jpg) [![Plowing Contest](/u/2007/05/20070505_113645_small.jpg) ](/u/2007/05/20070505_113645_large.jpg)